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Use neuro-science to optimize your training

neuro drills

Brain-focused drills to eliminate pain and improve your ability to function & perform!


A primary component of Neuro Drills training is to understand and eliminate pain.  In our context, pain can be anything from tight and sore muscles to acute and chronic pain.  Let's say you have knee pain (or want a stronger knee); one way to improve it is strengthen the surrounding muscles, but what most people don't realize is that the quality of movement in your knee not only requires the surrounding tissues to be functioning well, but requires a good visual and vestibular system as well.  Poor balance and visual skills reflect heavily on how well your body moves.  If you want to move better, you need to train your vision and vestibular systems!

Pain is individual
Pain is individual

The perception of pain is produced by the history of your movement patterns, thoughts and beliefs that have created a certain 'brain wiring' in your brain. The pain you feel is specific to your wiring.  Many people can have the exact same pain, yet have entirely different brain problems.

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Pain is an action signal
Pain is an action signal

When we still feel pain after an injury has fully healed or even when there was no injury at all, that is our brain trying to tell to change something (INPUTS).  If we can give our brain's the INPUTS it requires, the OUTPUTS (ie. less pain) almost always get better.

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Any threat can be interpreted as pain
Any threat can be interpretted as pain

Pain will increase if your brain perceives something to be threatening to it's survival. Pain does not equal injury, both can exist without the other.

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Training Your Nervous System

Our brains are constantly adapting to the stimuli we provide it.  Inactive areas of your brain are shown in the way we move (GAIT, eye movement, how you breathe, etc.).  With Neuro Drills, the goal is identify areas of disfunction with a series of assessments and activate them with a combination of drills based on your movement and injury history.
Your nervous system is extremely fast and can respond just as fast when you provide it with the stimulus YOU need.

Offered Plans & Services

Online Video Access

Coming soon!

© 2020 Neuro Drills

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